Heading 1NDMTSS Conference
Teachers have always needed to know and practice protective strategies in their social emotional first aid kits to manage the daily stressors of working on the front lines of a human-service oriented profession. That need has never been greater given the massive increase in uncertainty and unpredictability in the teaching profession and in one's personal life due to COVID.
In short, teaching is emotional labor-- the effort required to manage and metabolize strong emotions like anger, shame, guilt, anxiety, and overwhelm, as well as generate and stoke positive emotions like joy, hope, and compassion.
Stress significantly diminishes a teacher's capacity to regulate their negative emotions and cultivate positive emotions. Ironically, teachers who leave the profession often cite their inability to cope with their own emotional reactions to loss of control, unpredictability, and lack of purpose in their teaching as the primary reason for burnout.
There are many, many strategies and practices rooted in cognitive and affective neuroscience and social and behavioral sciences that teachers can learn, practice, and integrate into their personal and professional lives as teachers to metabolize stress, manage negative energy, protect themselves from the burnout cycle, and find joy in teaching the whole year through!
Learning Objectives
In this session, teachers will:
Explore the core elements of the teacher burnout cycle and learn how to protect one's self from the 2 paths to burning out,
Present TeacherTM
Professional Development
Investing in the personhood and holistic mental, social and emotional, and spiritual well-being of your educators is an investment in their professional capital.​
Present TeacherTM professional development is strategically aligned with the Five C's of professional capital (Hargreaves & Fullen, Professional Capital, 2012)
*Click on each "C" to find out how!
Professional Development
Present TeacherTM is an evidence-based professional learning program that draws on best practice in mindfulness, neuroscience, adult SEL, and transformative learning theory to cultivate core capacities of educator mental, emotional, and heart/soul well-being.
Provide teachers with strategies, practices, and experiences rooted in mindfulness to deepen self-awareness, equity consciousness, and compassion for self and others so to learn how to adapt to the stressors of a heart-centered profession in a healthy way.
Strategically cultivate habits of mind and humanizing dispositions to remain calm in chaotic teaching moments, see student behavior through the lens of curiosity and compassion, and see the self as capable and confident through the many challenges of teaching.
Engage teachers in exploring the origins of teacher well-being while learning a research-base process to productively "process problems" that commonly arise in teaching so that teachers can actualize their innate calm, resilience, and emotional agility to stage off burnout and realize happiness, joy, passion, and purpose in their teaching practice.
Customizing Your
Teacher Well-Being
Professional Learning
We have offer many different formats, topics, and face-to-face and virtual webinar professional learning experiences to fit your budget, PD schedule, and staff well-being needs and desires!
Choose your format
Click to explore our keynote, 60-90 minute, 1/2 day, and full day formats for interactive and experiential educator mental and social emotional well-being.
Explore our top rated and highly sought after teacher mental and emotional health topics of focus for keynotes, live webinars & face-to-face offerings!