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"Recent brain research makes it clear-- the brain shuts down under pressure. Fear of failure, anxiety, strain and boredom block creative intelligence.


Creative thinking is linked, not with stress, strain and insecurity, but with good humor, playful attitudes and feelings of safety..."

(Creating the Teachable Moment, Stewart) 


The state and quality of a teacher's mental health directly impacts the state of a teacher's emotional, physical, and spiritual health. Our bodies respond to the thoughts we think, so if we are thinking stressful thoughts that are putting our minds and bodies into flight, freeze, or flee mode, we have no intellectual energy left over to think creative, compassionate, and positive thoughts.


Teachers who know how to notice negative thought patterns, spot common and predictable stress-producing teacher thoughts, and re-frame anxiety and fear-based thinking exercise mental health because they know how to free their minds to be more pedagogically creative, innovative with their lesson plans, and playful in their instruction. 


Teacher behaviors in the classroom are believes (*thoughts that are thought over and over) made visible. A teacher's state of mental health truly is the base-line for creating classroom climates that are inspiring, productive, and joyful-- for both students and teachers! 



Learning Objectives

In this highly experiential learning session, teachers will: 



  • Learn the 4 fundamental elements of teacher mental health and healthy self-talk.

  • Explore the top 10 "stress producing" thoughts/ beliefs of teachers.

  • Learn about the origins of perfectionist thinking and how to re-frame self-critical thought patterns.

  • Engage (2) mindfulness-based meditations for slowing the speed of thoughts, redirecting negative rumination, and resting in a quiet mind.


  • ​Practice (2) strategies based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to combat overreacting and anxiety in teaching.

  • Practice a 4 step process for challenging negative thinking and re-framing problematic thoughts to gain greater perspective and mental agility in the classroom setting.

Interested in this session?

Contact Jen to discuss how to customize this professional learning experience to meet your unique staff well-being needs and fit your professional development schedule:

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