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Present TeacherTM

Face-to-Face PD Offerings

Our Experiential Learning Format

We take providing effective, engaging, and inspiring PD for teachers very seriously! Educators are the most discerning bunch when it comes to knowing what good teaching and learning looks and feels like.


All Present TeacherTM curriculum and learning experiences are designed by our creator and founder, Jen. Jen is veteran teacher of over 25 years in the elementary, middle school, and college-level setting. Her 12+ years as a teacher educator directly inform and shape the well-being instruction she brings to educators.


Our curriculum and instruction is shaped by adult learning theory and pedagogical principles of andragogy (aka- adult education).


Present TeacherTM curriculum and instructional practices focus on process, practice, and practicability.


Every session experientially engages your teachers in relevant well-being content, practices, and processes of resilience building to the stressors of the profession.


In every session, your teachers will engage their minds, bodies, and current teaching practice:



Let's just put it this way... as a "book doctor," Jen has spent 7+ years researching and writing about teacher burnout, the origins of teacher mental and emotional health, healing teacher trauma, and creating trauma-sensitive classroom spaces that exude embodied equity and compassionate care by the teacher. 


  • Every fact, every piece of data that Jen brings to your teachers is based on current research in neuroscience, social/emotional learning, cognitive behavioral therapy, contemplative practices of mindfulness, and psycho-emotional education. Jen focuses on just the right dose of intellectual content so that your teachers' interests are piqued but not overwhelmed. 

  • Those teachers of yours who like to know the science behind their well-being will feel content! 



In every single session, your teachers will experience the healing impact that occurs from focusing their full attention on slowing their minds and calming their physical bodies. 

In fact, the body calming work of our sessions is what lingers with teachers. We know that the "body keeps score" of stress, AND we know that the body keeps score of feeling well.


  • Jen's experience and expertise as certified yoga teacher and mindfulness instructor means that your teachers will play with moving their bodies with gentle mindful movement practices and slowing their minds with guided visualizations.

  • We engage restorative body practices to calm the busy mind, activate the relaxation response in the body, and reconnect with our body's innate capacity to self-regulate and self-soothe. 

Teacher mental, emotional, and spiritual/soul health is rooted in practice. Every session grounds the mind and body experiences into a teacher's personal practice of well-being and their teaching practice.


  • Every session has an engaging reflective practice piece where teachers learn how use and put into their practice the Teacher Infinite Well-Being ModelTM, a research-based 4 step process for metabolizing stress, anxiety, anger, and uncertainty into greater insight, perspective, self-trust, and mental and emotional resilience. 

  • Teachers also receive additional "in-class" mindfulness-based practices that they can integrate into their instruction to manage stressful responses to student behavior, de-escalate feelings of overwhelm and anxiety while teaching, and see student learning and behavior through a lens of curiosity and compassion. 

Choose your session length


60-90 minutes

Enjoying Life, Harmony and Positive Mind Concept. Stack of Stable Pebble Stone with Smilin

1/2 Day


We also customize professional development topics and sessions to meet your needs and desires!

Contact Jen directly to schedule a time to connect.

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