Heading 1NDMTSS Conference
Teachers have always needed to know and practice protective strategies in their social emotional first aid kits to manage the daily stressors of working on the front lines of a human-service oriented profession. That need has never been greater given the massive increase in uncertainty and unpredictability in the teaching profession and in one's personal life due to COVID.
In short, teaching is emotional labor-- the effort required to manage and metabolize strong emotions like anger, shame, guilt, anxiety, and overwhelm, as well as generate and stoke positive emotions like joy, hope, and compassion.
Stress significantly diminishes a teacher's capacity to regulate their negative emotions and cultivate positive emotions. Ironically, teachers who leave the profession often cite their inability to cope with their own emotional reactions to loss of control, unpredictability, and lack of purpose in their teaching as the primary reason for burnout.
There are many, many strategies and practices rooted in cognitive and affective neuroscience and social and behavioral sciences that teachers can learn, practice, and integrate into their personal and professional lives as teachers to metabolize stress, manage negative energy, protect themselves from the burnout cycle, and find joy in teaching the whole year through!
Learning Objectives
In this session, teachers will:
Explore the core elements of the teacher burnout cycle and learn how to protect one's self from the 2 paths to burning out,
CANNON FALLS Elementary School

Teacher Testimonials
This training was a life saver!
Every week I was waiting for it to practice meditation, remind me of my strengths, and manage my energy in the best way possible to survive and find joy in the middle of a pandemic and distance learning- THANK YOU!!
Minneapolis Public School Educator
Everything I learned in the PTRP can be applied to my teaching and well-being immediately!
I can implement the tools I learned with students, and they would be able to replicate them on their own for their own benefit.
Minneapolis Public School Educator
I loved going through the PTRP modules!
The PTRP modules affirms everything we feel in a day, week, and year. This training gave me practical wellness tools that helped me with my stress levels, and it also addresses one to be self-reflective and honest in one's teaching practice to bring about more inclusiveness and equity.
1st Grade Teacher
I found the series to be calming, centering, and hopeful!
It was really nice to have short modules that I could complete anytime between my on-line teaching sessions and meetings.
Elementary Teacher

MODULE Release Dates
Module 1: Prioritizing Your Well-Being: The Power of attention, attitude, and awareness.
Mindfulness Focus: Breath & Body Awareness
• Learn about the (3) core elements of mindful awareness and well-being,
• Explore professional core values and purpose as a teacher, and explore how core values help one prioritize mental and emotional health in the midst of stress.
Module 2: Banishing Time Stress: The art of managing energy and not time.
Mindfulness Focus: Mind Awareness
• Learn about the origins of time stress for teachers while discovering how to create a new relationship to time and energy,
• Explore the 4 critical mindsets for diminishing time stress.
Module 3: Taming the Toxic Stress Impact: Learning the art of metabolizing stress through the teacher well-being cycle.
Mindfulness Focus: Perceptual Awareness
• Explore the origins of what makes stress toxic and learn about the body's physiological, mental, and psychological reaction to toxic stress,
• Learn about the cycle of burnout to increase awareness of the signs, symptoms, and manifestations of teacher burnout in the classroom setting,
• Engage the 4 core components of the Educator Infinite Well-Being ModelTM to learn how to “process a problem” to produce emotional resilience, self-awareness, and social awareness.
Module 4: Teacher Self-Compassion: Compassion for self begets compassion for students.
Mindfulness Focus: Mind Awareness
• Learn the 3 elements of self-compassion by Dr. Neff and explore the origins and impact of compassion fatigue and secondary-trauma,
• Discover how compassion's protective properties diminish the onset of compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma,
• Explore the ways that compassion protects personal energy and power while creating space for another to experience attunement.
Module 5: Teacher Joy! Stoking positivity, hope, and happiness in teaching.
Mindfulness Focus: Emotional Awareness
• Learn how to manage emotional reactions as a teacher and protect one’s self from draining emotional and mental energy,
• Discover the power (and necessity) of positivity, joy, and happiness in teaching and how these states of being are essential elements for creating socially just classroom spaces for students.
Module 6: Trauma & Teaching: Transforming teacher stress into mental and emotional strength.
Mindfulness Focus: Breath Awareness
• Explore current research on toxic stress and collective trauma and its impact on teachers, students, and learning,
• Learn the basics of re-storing your physiological, emotional, and mental systems to regain balance after experiencing a trauma trigger,
• Learn about the origins of teacher trauma and how to create "trauma sensitive" classrooms for students and one’s self.
Module 7: Teacher Restoration AS Social Justice Work: The power of love and awareness in restoring justice and peace in our school communities.
Mindfulness Focus: Body and Soul Awareness
• Discover how to teacher wellness is a source of wisdom and how honoring our inner work of well-being helps us do the outer work of holding spaces of acceptance, compassion, and healing for our students,
• Discover how mental health creates the conditions to fight institutional racism, disrupt systems of oppression and neglect, and "freedom-dream" a new future where human beings are the center of our systems of learning,
• Explore the process for transforming fear and pain into love and compassion in the classroom setting and beyond.
Module 8: Establishing Your Well-Being Manifesto
Mindfulness Focus: Relationship Awareness
• Discover how committing to a commitment to be well transforms how one teaches and positively impacts relationships with students,
• Explore and practice engaging the 4 core elements of a Well-Being Manifesto to create a personalized value-based self-care plan.