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The Spring 2021 Present Teacher Restoration ProjectTM   is now closed. 


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Present TeacherTM   wants to thank 
Hennepin County Public Health

for supporting the mental health and emotional resilience of our county's educators and school personnel. 

School teacher's desk with stack of book

Teacher Testimonials

Over 10,000 hours of engagement were logged  by Hennepin County educators and school personnel in the Present Teacher Restoration ProjectTM  


This training was a life saver!

Every week I was waiting for it to practice meditation, remind me of my strengths, and manage my energy in the best way possible to survive and find joy in the middle of a pandemic and distance learning- THANK YOU!!


Minneapolis Public School Educator


Everything I learned in the PTRP can be applied to my teaching and well-being immediately!

I can implement the tools I learned with students, and they would be able to replicate them on their own for their own benefit.

Minneapolis Public School Educator


Blue Water

I loved going through the PTRP modules!

The PTRP modules affirms everything we feel in a day, week, and year. This training gave me practical wellness tools that helped me with my stress levels, and it also addresses one to be self-reflective and honest in one's teaching practice to bring about more inclusiveness and equity.

1st Grade Teacher

Boats in the Water

I found the series to be calming, centering, and hopeful!

It was really nice to have short modules that I could complete anytime between my on-line teaching sessions and meetings. 


Elementary Teacher

Want to learn more about how to bring the 
Present Teacher Restoration ProjectTM  to your school, district, or county? 

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© 2024 Present Well-Being LLC  ~ All Rights Reserved 

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